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Introduction to Java

Course Number: JVA102
Days: 5
Price: $2,895.00


Course Description

This Introduction to Java course provides a comprehensive overview of Java programming concepts for beginners. Participants will explore the fundamentals of Java, including object-oriented programming, basic syntax, variables, data types, control structures, and arrays. The course also delves into more advanced topics such as inheritance, interfaces, exceptions, collections, and inner classes. Throughout the course, students will have opportunities to practice and apply their newly acquired skills in various exercises and projects.



Students should be comfortable with computers and have some scripting or programming exposure before taking this course.


Course Topics

Module 1: Java Introduction
Module 2: Java Basics
Module 3: Java Objects
Module 4: Comparisons and Flow Control Structures
Module 5: Arrays
Module 6: Inheritance
Module 7: Interfaces
Module 8: Exceptions
Module 9: Collections
Module 10: Inner Classes